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Graduation project !

Last Order

Last Order is a bartending simulation VR game where the player is trapped in a nightclub, sentenced to make drinks for the customers. Through the story, you're going to discover that your job is actually to give a second chance to your customers who are damned souls wandering this place guided by Henry, the previous owner. A very timid friend that you're going to help.


The game's intentions was to create a game where the player is not the main character of the story. To create a link with Henry and develop empathy for him.



10 Month - team of 7 - Unreal 4

What I did on the project :

- Game Design
- Project management
- 3D sculpt and hard-surface
- Textures
- Shaders



3D Assets (Sculpting/HardSurface) and Textures

image (5).png

A sample of what I did on the project 

Game Design

Tableau recetteLST.png

Sketchs and Game Timeline

Quick features pitch

Technical tutorials to share knowledge with the team

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